Post 118 – City of Stars: A Lyrical Journey through Dream and Romance

“City of Stars”: A Lyrical Journey through Dream and Romance

Ryan Gosling & Emma Stone / City of stars / Lyrics

“City of Stars,” the enchanting anthem from the musical film “La La Land,” is a poetic exploration of dreams, love, and the allure of the city of Los Angeles. Composed by Justin Hurwitz and adorned with heartfelt lyrics by Benj Pasek and Justin Paul, the song is a pivotal moment in the film that captures the magic of Hollywood and the bittersweet reality of pursuing dreams.

Musical Brilliance: The song opens with a delicate piano melody that sets a dreamy, nostalgic tone. Ryan Gosling’s sincere and unpretentious vocals, accompanied by Emma Stone’s ethereal humming, create a harmonious duet that feels both intimate and universal. The simplicity of the music allows the lyrics to take center stage, weaving a narrative that resonates with anyone who has dared to dream.

Lyrical Poetry: “City of Stars” is a masterclass in lyrical poetry. The opening lines, “City of stars, are you shining just for me?” immediately draw listeners into the romantic atmosphere of the song. The lyrics navigate between the idealistic vision of Los Angeles as a city of dreams and the underlying melancholy of love and aspirations that may not always come to fruition.


Romantic Allure: At its core, “City of Stars” is a love song, not just to a person but to the very idea of dreams and the city that promises them. The delicate balance between romance and reality is beautifully portrayed in lines like, “Is this the start of something wonderful and new, or one more dream that I cannot make true?” This duality resonates with anyone who has stood at the crossroads of aspiration and uncertainty.

Bittersweet Realism: The song does not shy away from the bittersweet realities of pursuing dreams. It acknowledges the transient nature of fame and success, highlighting the fragility of dreams in the city of illusions. Lines such as “That’s how it’s supposed to be, yeah, all the stars are shining just for me” carry a poignant weight, suggesting that even in the glittering city, not every dream finds its place in the sky.

Chemistry of Performers: The chemistry between Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone, who play the lead characters in “La La Land,” is palpable in their rendition of “City of Stars.” Their voices blend seamlessly, creating a musical dialogue that mirrors the emotional journey of their characters. Gosling’s warm and earnest delivery complements Stone’s gentle and emotive humming, resulting in a performance that lingers in the hearts of listeners.


Cinematic Visuals: “City of Stars” is inseparable from the visual splendor of “La La Land.” The song is accompanied by a mesmerizing dance sequence overlooking the cityscape, with Gosling and Stone gliding through the Griffith Observatory. The visual and musical elements intertwine to create a cinematic experience that transcends the screen, allowing the audience to feel the heartbeat of Los Angeles.

Impact and Recognition: The impact of “City of Stars” extends beyond the confines of the film. Its universal themes and timeless melody earned it widespread acclaim, culminating in the Academy Award for Best Original Song in 2017. The song’s success is a testament to its ability to resonate with audiences on an emotional level, making it a standout piece in the landscape of contemporary musical cinema.

“City of Stars” is not just a song; it’s a lyrical journey through the heart of dreams and the complexities of love. Its musical brilliance, poetic depth, and the chemistry of its performers elevate it to a realm of cinematic magic. Whether one is a dreamer in pursuit of stardust or a romantic navigating the intricacies of love, “City of Stars” invites listeners to join the protagonists in their enchanting dance through the city of dreams. In this song, dreams and reality intertwine, creating a melody that lingers in the soul, much like the stars that adorn the city it celebrates.


Vocabulary and expression notes:

  1. Enchanting (Adjective):
    • Definition: Charming, delightful, captivating.
    • Example Sentences:
      • The movie’s enchanting soundtrack added a magical layer to the storytelling.
      • Her enchanting voice held the audience in rapt attention.
  2. Pivotal (Adjective):
    • Definition: Of crucial importance; central to the development of something.
    • Example Sentences:
      • The pivotal scene in the film determined the fate of the main characters.
      • His pivotal role in the project earned him recognition and praise.
  3. Harmonious (Adjective):
    • Definition: Forming a harmonious, consistent, and orderly whole.
    • Example Sentences:
      • The harmonious blend of voices in the choir created a beautiful sonic experience.
      • The team’s harmonious collaboration resulted in a successful product launch.
  4. Ethereal (Adjective):
    • Definition: Extremely delicate, light, not of this world.
    • Example Sentences:
      • The ballet dancer moved across the stage with an ethereal grace.
      • The ethereal glow of the moonlit night added to the romantic atmosphere.
  5. Nostalgic (Adjective):
    • Definition: A sentimental longing or wistful affection for the past.
    • Example Sentences:
      • The old photographs brought a nostalgic smile to her face.
      • The music carried a nostalgic melody, reminiscent of bygone days.
  1. Aspirations (Noun):
    • Definition: Strong desires or ambitions, goals.
    • Example Sentences:
      • Her aspirations to become a writer fueled her dedication to literature.
      • The team shared a common vision and aspirations for success.
  2. Transcends (Verb):
    • Definition: Goes beyond the limits of; surpasses.
    • Example Sentences:
      • The artist’s work transcends cultural boundaries, resonating with people worldwide.
      • The film’s impact transcended its genre, appealing to a diverse audience.
  3. Bittersweet (Adjective):
    • Definition: Arousing both pleasure and pain, tinged with a mixture of sadness and joy.
    • Example Sentences:
      • Graduation day was bittersweet as students celebrated but also said goodbye.
      • The bittersweet melody evoked memories of both happiness and heartache.
  4. Chemistry (Noun):
    • Definition: The interaction or bond between people, especially when resulting in a good connection.
    • Example Sentences:
      • The on-screen chemistry between the lead actors added authenticity to the love story.
      • A successful team often depends on the chemistry among its members.
  5. Palpable (Adjective):
    • Definition: Able to be touched or felt; easily perceived.
    • Example Sentences:
      • The tension in the room was palpable as the final decision was announced.
      • The excitement among the audience was palpable before the concert began.
  1. Duality (Noun):
    • Definition: The quality or state of having two parts.
    • Example Sentences:
      • The character’s duality was explored throughout the narrative, revealing conflicting emotions.
      • The painting depicted the duality of nature, balancing light and darkness.
  2. Lyrical (Adjective):
    • Definition: Expressive, poetic, musical in quality.
    • Example Sentences:
      • The author’s lyrical prose painted vivid images in the reader’s mind.
      • The song’s lyrical composition resonated with the listeners.
  3. Splendor (Noun):
    • Definition: Magnificent and splendid appearance; grandeur.
    • Example Sentences:
      • The palace was a symbol of architectural splendor in the city.
      • The natural splendor of the landscape left tourists in awe.
  4. Resonates (Verb):
    • Definition: Elicits a positive feeling or response; strikes a chord.
    • Example Sentences:
      • The message of the film resonated with viewers, sparking meaningful conversations.
      • Her words resonated with the audience, inspiring them to take action.
  5. Dance Sequence (Noun Phrase):
    • Definition: A choreographed series of dance movements.
    • Example Sentences:
      • The dance sequence in the movie showcased the characters’ emotional connection.
      • The energetic dance sequence added flair to the musical performance.
  1. Captivating (Adjective):
    • Definition: Holding the attention by being interesting or beautiful.
    • Example Sentences:
      • The artist’s captivating performance left the audience spellbound.
      • The novel’s captivating plot kept readers engaged from start to finish.
  2. Melancholy (Noun):
    • Definition: A feeling of deep sadness; pensiveness.
    • Example Sentences:
      • The melancholy in the character’s eyes hinted at a hidden sorrow.
      • The melancholy tone of the music conveyed a sense of nostalgia.
  3. Astronomy (Noun):
    • Definition: The scientific study of celestial objects and phenomena.
    • Example Sentences:
      • The movie’s astronomy scenes were visually stunning and scientifically accurate.
      • Her fascination with astronomy led her to pursue a career in astrophysics.
  4. Inseparable (Adjective):
    • Definition: Unable to be separated or treated separately.
    • Example Sentences:
      • Music and visuals were inseparable in creating the film’s emotional impact.
      • The bond between the characters was inseparable, surviving all challenges.
  5. Cinematic Magic (Noun Phrase):
    • Definition: The enchanting and captivating quality associated with filmmaking.
    • Example Sentences:
      • The director’s ability to create cinematic magic elevated the film to a masterpiece.
      • The use of special effects contributed to the cinematic magic of the fantasy movie.

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