Post 112 – A Healthy Surprise ( A2, B1 Level – Story )

A Healthy Surprise

Once upon a time in the small town of Clearwater, lived a young woman named Emily. She was an avid enthusiast of a balanced lifestyle (a mix of healthy eating and regular exercise) and always encouraged her friends to join her in adopting healthier habits.

One sunny day, Emily decided to organize a surprise outdoor picnic for her friends at the picturesque Clearwater Park. She meticulously packed a variety of delicious, nutrient-packed (full of essential nutrients) snacks like fresh fruits, homemade salads, and a refreshing cucumber mint drink.

As her friends gathered at the park, Emily greeted them with a warm smile. “Surprise! Today, we’re going to enjoy a day full of good food and outdoor activities,” she exclaimed.

The group settled on a cozy blanket, surrounded by the lush greenery of the park. Emily began the day by discussing the importance of a well-balanced diet (eating a variety of foods in the right proportions) and how it contributes to overall well-being.

“We’ve got a spread of wholesome snacks here. Let’s start with some juicy watermelon to stay hydrated,” Emily suggested.


While munching on the watermelon, the friends engaged in a lively conversation about their favorite fruits and vegetables. Emily shared her love for apples and explained, “Apples are not only tasty but also packed with essential vitamins and fiber, making them a great choice for a quick and healthy snack.”

As the day progressed, Emily introduced a simple yoga session to the picnic plan. “Let’s incorporate some gentle exercises to boost our energy levels,” she proposed. The friends eagerly followed her lead, practicing basic yoga poses amidst the beauty of the park.

During the yoga session, one of Emily’s friends, Sarah, started to feel a bit tired. “Emily, I’m not feeling my best. I think I might be coming down with something,” Sarah admitted.

Concerned for her friend, Emily responded, “Don’t worry, Sarah. It’s essential to listen to your body. Maybe you just need a short break and some fresh air.”


The group took a break, allowing Sarah to rest and recover. Emily offered her a cup of chamomile tea from her picnic basket, known for its calming properties. “Chamomile tea is soothing and might help you feel better,” Emily explained.

As Sarah sipped the tea, she began to feel more relaxed. “Thanks, Emily. Your surprise picnic turned out to be just what I needed,” she expressed with gratitude.

The day continued with laughter, shared stories, and a renewed focus on maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Emily’s thoughtful surprise not only brought joy to her friends but also reinforced the importance of mindful choices when it comes to health.

As the sun began to set, the friends left the park feeling rejuvenated and grateful for a day filled with good company and healthy habits. Emily’s commitment to well-being had left a lasting impact on her friends, inspiring them to embrace a healthier lifestyle in their daily lives.

And so, the story of Emily’s surprise picnic became a cherished memory in the town of Clearwater, encouraging everyone to prioritize their health and well-being.


Vocabularies and Expressions Note :

  1. Balanced Lifestyle:
    • Word Form: Noun phrase
    • Definition: A lifestyle that includes a mix of healthy habits, such as eating nutritious food and engaging in regular exercise.
    • Example Sentence: Emily believes in maintaining a balanced lifestyle, combining healthy eating with regular exercise.
  2. Nutrient-packed:
    • Word Form: Adjective
    • Definition: Containing a high amount of essential nutrients, which are substances that the body needs for growth, energy, and overall health.
    • Example Sentence: The salad was nutrient-packed, filled with vitamins and minerals.
  3. Well-balanced Diet:
    • Phrase Form: Noun phrase
    • Definition: Eating a variety of foods in the right proportions to provide the necessary nutrients for good health.
    • Example Sentence: A well-balanced diet includes a variety of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.
  4. Wholesome:
    • Word Form: Adjective
    • Definition: Good for one’s health; nutritious and beneficial.
    • Example Sentence: The homemade soup was wholesome, made with fresh ingredients.
  5. Well-being:
    • Word Form: Noun
    • Definition: The state of being comfortable, healthy, or happy.
    • Example Sentence: Yoga contributes to overall well-being by promoting physical and mental health.
  1. Chamomile Tea:
    • Phrase Form: Noun phrase
    • Definition: A herbal tea made from the dried flowers of the chamomile plant, known for its calming and soothing properties.
    • Example Sentence: Sarah enjoyed a cup of chamomile tea to relax after the yoga session.
  2. Rejuvenated:
    • Word Form: Adjective
    • Definition: Revitalized or restored to a more youthful or energetic state.
    • Example Sentence: A good night’s sleep left her feeling rejuvenated and ready for the day.
  3. Mindful Choices:
    • Phrase Form: Noun phrase
    • Definition: Making decisions with careful consideration and awareness, especially in terms of health and well-being.
    • Example Sentence: Making mindful choices in daily life can lead to a healthier and happier lifestyle.
  4. Gentle Exercises:
    • Phrase Form: Noun phrase
    • Definition: Mild and not intense physical activities, often used for relaxation or improving flexibility.
    • Example Sentence: Beginners often start with gentle exercises like walking or light stretching.
  5. Essential Vitamins and Fiber:
    • Phrase Form: Noun phrase
    • Definition: Nutrients that the body needs to function properly; vitamins are organic compounds necessary for various physiological processes, and fiber is a type of carbohydrate important for digestion.
    • Example Sentence: Fruits and vegetables are rich in essential vitamins and fiber, promoting digestive health.
  1. Lively Conversation:
    • Phrase Form: Noun phrase
    • Definition: A conversation that is full of energy, enthusiasm, and animation.
    • Example Sentence: The friends engaged in a lively conversation about their favorite travel destinations.
  2. Coming Down with Something:
    • Phrase Form: Verb phrase
    • Definition: Feeling the onset of an illness or experiencing the early symptoms of being unwell.
    • Example Sentence: Sarah realized she might be coming down with something when she started feeling fatigued.
  3. Renewed Focus:
    • Phrase Form: Noun phrase
    • Definition: Restoring attention and concentration, often with a fresh perspective.
    • Example Sentence: After a short break, the team returned to work with renewed focus and determination.
  4. Cherished Memory:
    • Phrase Form: Noun phrase
    • Definition: A memory that is deeply valued and held with great affection.
    • Example Sentence: The family vacation created cherished memories that they would treasure forever.
  5. Mindful:
    • Word Form: Adjective
    • Definition: Being conscious or aware of something; paying careful attention to the present moment.
    • Example Sentence: Eating mindfully involves savoring each bite and being present during meals.
  1. Picnic Basket:
    • Phrase Form: Noun phrase
    • Definition: A basket used for carrying food and utensils for a picnic.
    • Example Sentence: Emily packed a delightful picnic basket filled with tasty treats for her friends.
  2. Enthusiast:
    • Word Form: Noun
    • Definition: A person who is highly interested and passionate about a particular activity or subject.
    • Example Sentence: Emily is an enthusiastic advocate for a healthy lifestyle.
  3. Calming Properties:
    • Phrase Form: Noun phrase
    • Definition: Qualities or features that induce a sense of calmness or relaxation.
    • Example Sentence: Lavender is known for its calming properties and is often used in aromatherapy.
  4. Urgent Needs:
    • Phrase Form: Noun phrase
    • Definition: Pressing or essential requirements that demand immediate attention.
    • Example Sentence: In emergency situations, it’s essential to address urgent needs promptly.
  5. Lush Greenery:
    • Phrase Form: Noun phrase
    • Definition: Abundant and flourishing vegetation, often used to describe a rich and green landscape.
    • Example Sentence: The park was adorned with lush greenery, creating a peaceful and serene atmosphere.


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