Post 97 – Law 11: Learn to Keep People Dependent on You

Law 11: Learn to Keep People Dependent on You

Welcome to the next chapter of our journey through “The 48 Laws of Power” by Robert Greene. Law 11 is a fascinating one, as it delves into the dynamics of dependence and power. In this law, Greene suggests that fostering a sense of dependency in others can be a strategic move. It’s about understanding the dynamics of control and influence in relationships.

Part 1: The Essence of Law 11

Imagine having people rely on you for guidance, support, or resources. Law 11 suggests that by becoming an indispensable part of someone’s life, you position yourself strategically. But it’s not just about selfish manipulation; it’s also about being genuinely helpful and fostering a sense of trust.

Part 2: The Spectrum of Dependence

Law 11 explores the spectrum of dependence. On one end, excessive dependence can lead to vulnerability. On the other, fostering just the right amount of reliance can solidify your role as a valuable resource.


Part 3: Application in Different Contexts

This law extends to various aspects of life, from personal relationships to professional endeavors. Understanding how to maintain a healthy level of dependence can be crucial in leadership, partnerships, and friendships. It’s about being the anchor that people turn to when they need support.

Part 4: Navigating Ethical Waters

As we delve into Law 11, ethical considerations come to the forefront. Striking the balance between helping others and ensuring you’re not taken advantage of is a skill that this law encourages. It’s about being the supportive guide without falling into the trap of manipulation.

Part 5: Share Your Thoughts

What’s your take on this law? Have you experienced the dynamics of dependence in your life? Share your thoughts and stories in the comments. And stay tuned for more insights from “The 48 Laws of Power.”


Vocabulary and Expression Notes

1. Dependent (Adjective):

  • Definition: Requiring the support or aid of someone or something.
  • Example: He became financially dependent on his parents after losing his job.

2. Fostering (Verb):

  • Definition: Promoting or encouraging the development of something.
  • Example: The organization is focused on fostering creativity and innovation.

3. Manipulation (Noun):

  • Definition: The act of skillfully controlling or influencing someone or something.
  • Example: His constant manipulation of the facts eroded trust in his leadership.

4. Vulnerability (Noun):

  • Definition: The state of being exposed to the possibility of harm or emotional wounds.
  • Example: Sharing one’s deepest fears can create a sense of vulnerability.

5. Indispensable (Adjective):

  • Definition: Absolutely necessary or essential.
  • Example: Her expertise made her an indispensable team member.

6. Anchor (Noun):

  • Definition: A person or thing that provides stability or support.
  • Example: In turbulent times, friends can serve as emotional anchors.

7. Resource (Noun):

  • Definition: A means or source of support, especially in a difficult situation.
  • Example: The library is a valuable resource for research and learning.

8. Guidance (Noun):

  • Definition: Advice or direction given to help someone make a decision or understand something.
  • Example: The mentor’s guidance was instrumental in her career development.

9. Trust (Noun):

  • Definition: A firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something.
  • Example: Trust is the foundation of any strong relationship.

10. Supportive (Adjective):

  • Definition: Providing encouragement, help, or emotional backing.
  • Example: Her friends were very supportive during her challenging times.

11. Reliance (Noun):

  • Definition: The state of depending on someone or something for support or help.
  • Example: The company’s reliance on a single supplier proved risky.

12. Balance (Noun):

  • Definition: A state of equilibrium, stability, or harmonious proportion.
  • Example: Finding a balance between work and personal life is important.

13. Vulnerable (Adjective):

  • Definition: Open to being harmed or injured physically or emotionally.
  • Example: Children are often seen as vulnerable members of society.

14. Dynamic (Noun):

  • Definition: A force that stimulates change or progress within a system or process.
  • Example: The dynamic of the team changed after the new leader took charge.

15. Partnership (Noun):

  • Definition: A cooperative relationship between individuals or entities.
  • Example: Their partnership in business led to significant growth.

16. Solidify (Verb):

  • Definition: To make something more secure, stable, or firm.
  • Example: Her successful leadership helped solidify the team’s unity.

17. Genuine (Adjective):

  • Definition: Authentic, sincere, and without deceit.
  • Example: His genuine concern for others made him a beloved figure.

18. Manipulative (Adjective):

  • Definition: Characterized by clever or deceitful control over others.
  • Example: His manipulative behavior created mistrust in the group.

19. Anchor (Verb):

  • Definition: To provide stability, support, or a sense of security.
  • Example: Her friendship anchored him during difficult times.

20. Relationship (Noun):

  • Definition: The way in which two or more people or things are connected or interact.
  • Example: Building a strong relationship with customers is vital for business success.


6 responses to “Post 97 – Law 11: Learn to Keep People Dependent on You”

  1. I am kinda independent person, but I am being dependent by my family and I am comfortable with it.


  2. I believe that being dependent on somebody for making decision for your own self is not an ideal way of striving in lives. Of course, it would be always better to have someone supportive and helpful in life, but not in a way of excessively depending on others. Agree?


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