Lesson 51 – Dialogue 1 – Essential Conversations: A1 Level English Dialogues for Clothes Shopping

Welcome to our English lesson designed for A1 level learners! In this lesson, we’ll embark on a practical dialogue centered around the topic of shopping for clothes. Shopping is a universal activity, and having the ability to navigate simple conversations in a clothing store is essential. Our dialogue features Anna and the Shop Assistant, guiding you through a conversation that covers basic interactions when buying clothes.

Throughout this dialogue, you will enhance your conversational skills and enrich your vocabulary related to clothing items and shopping terminology. Whether you’re purchasing a dress, asking about prices, or making simple inquiries, this dialogue will equip you with the language you need to confidently engage in a clothing store setting.

Let’s delve into the dialogue and explore the world of shopping for clothes in English!”


Dialogue 1A:

Anna: Hi! How much is that blue shirt?

Shop Assistant (SA): Hello! The blue shirt is $15.

Anna: Sounds good. I’ll take it, please.

SA: Certainly. Here you go.

Anna: Thank you. And how much are those jeans?

SA: The jeans are $25.

Anna: Great, I’ll take the jeans as well.

SA: Here you are.

Anna: Excuse me, what’s the price of that dress?

SA: The dress is $30.

Anna: Okay, I’ll take the dress too.

SA: Of course. Here you go.

Anna: Thanks. Do you have any shoes?

SA: Yes, we do. They’re $20.

Anna: Perfect, I’ll take a pair of shoes then.

SA: Here you are. Anything else?

Anna: No, that’s all. How much is it in total?

SA: For the shirt, jeans, dress, and shoes, it’s $90.

Anna: Here’s $100. Keep the change.

SA: Thank you very much. Enjoy your new clothes!

Anna: Thank you. Have a nice day! SA: You too. Goodbye!


Vocabulary Footnotes:

  • Shirt: Garment worn on the upper body
  • Jeans: Type of pants made of denim fabric
  • Dress: Clothing item worn by women
  • Pair: Set of two items
  • Total: Overall sum
  • Keep the change: Allow the seller to keep extra money

Dialogue 1B:

Emma: Hi there! How much are those sneakers?

Store Clerk (SC): Hello! The sneakers are $25.

Emma: That sounds good. I’d like to buy them.

SC: Certainly. Here you go.

Emma: Thanks. And how much are those sandals?

SC: The sandals are $20.

Emma: Great, I’ll take the sandals as well.

SC: Here you are.

Emma: Excuse me, what’s the price of those boots?

SC: The boots are $35.

Emma: Okay, I’ll take the boots too.

SC: Of course. Here you go.

Emma: Thanks. Do you have any hats?

SC: Yes, we do. They’re $10.

Emma: Perfect, I’ll take a hat then.

SC: Here you are. Anything else?

Emma: No, that’s all. How much is it in total?

SC: For the sneakers, sandals, boots, and hat, it’s $90.

Emma: Here’s $100. You can keep the change.

SC: Thank you very much. Enjoy your new shoes!

Emma: Thank you. Have a great day!

SC: You too. Goodbye!


Vocabulary for A1 Level:

  • Sneakers: Casual shoes for sports or leisure
  • Sounds good: Expressing approval
  • Buy: To purchase or acquire
  • Sandals: Open-toed shoes
  • Boots: Shoes that cover the foot and ankle
  • Hat: Headwear

“Congratulations! You’ve successfully navigated a shopping dialogue designed for A1 level English learners. In this dialogue, you practiced fundamental conversational skills related to buying clothes, asking about prices, and making simple transactions in a clothing store.

Be sure to review the new vocabulary and phrases you encountered in the dialogue. Shopping for clothes is a common scenario where English language skills come in handy. As you continue to practice, you’ll gain more confidence in using English in real-life situations.

Keep up the excellent work, and if you have any questions or need further assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out. We’re here to support you on your journey to mastering English. Happy learning!”

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